Scales and spines of silica-scaled chrysophytes of the genera Mallomonas and Synura; a – Mallomonas heterospina (Chikoy River, station 2), b – Mallomonas guttata (mouth of the Barguzin River, station 6), c – Mallomonas crassisquama (Temnik River, station 3), d – Mallomonas striata (mouth of the Kharauz Creek, station 5), e – Mallomonas acaroides (mouth of the Barguzin River, station 6), f – Synura borealis (mouth of the Barguzin River, station 6), g – Synura heteropora (Chikoy River, station 2), h – Synura spinosa (Dzhida River, station 1), I – Synura echinulata (mouth of the Barguzin River, station 6), j – Synura uvella (mouth of the Barguzin River, station 6), k – Synura petersenii (Temnik River, station 3), l – Synura glabra (mouth of the Barguzin River, station 6). Micrographs were obtained with transmission electron microscopy; scale bars are 1 µm.

  Part of: Bessudova AYu, Sorokovikova LM, Sinyukovich VN, Firsova AD, Tomberg IV, Likhoshway YV (2020) Effects of water levels on species diversity of silica-scaled chrysophytes in large tributaries of Lake Baikal. Acta Biologica Sibirica 6: 11-32.