Acta Biologica Sibirica 7: 451-466, doi: 10.3897/abs.7.e77770
Syntaxonomic and ecological peculiarities of extra-zonal pine forests with participation of Acer negundo L. from the forest-steppe and steppe zones of Altai Krai (South-Eastern Siberia)
expand article infoNatalya V. Ovcharova, Nikolai B. Ermakov§|, Marina M. Silantyeva
‡ Altai State University, Barnaul, Russia§ Maykop State Technological University, Maykop, Russia| Nikitskiy Botanical Gardens - National Scientific Center RAS, Yalta, Russia¶ Khakas State University named after N.F. Katanov, Abakan, Russia
Open Access
The syntaxonomic analysis of pine forests with Acer negundo occurring on fluvio-glacial sandy deposits of Altai Krai (South-East Siberia) was made based on 93 releves. It was established that Acer negundo takes a different phytocenotic part in 2 associations, 2 variants, and 6 no-ranked communities of 4 classes and 4 orders according to the Braun-Blanquet approach. The method of detrended correspondence analysis (DCA coordination) implemented in the DECORANA software package was used to confirm the ecological and floristic integrity of the identified vegetation units. New data on the spatial syntaxa distributions depend on the complex humidity gradient, soil fertility, and anthropogenic factors. Acer negundo is most abundant and common in the communities of the Brachypodio-Betuletea pendulae class, which are characterized by habitats with moderate moistening and greater soil fertility. In the spatial series considered, according to the soil fertility and humidity gradients, we observe an increase in Acer negundo in the Vicia sylvatica – Pinus sylvestris community and an increase in the activity of mesophytes and mesohygrophytes that are more demanding to soil fertility.
Pine forests, Acer negundo, syntaxonomy, West Siberia